
A Bookish Tag

Hello! Kara Lynn and Libby both tagged me for the A Bookish Tag a while back. I finally got around to answering the questions and thought it would be nice to take a little break from the usual post topics.  Thank you both for tagging me!

++ RULES ++   
You must be honest
You must answer all the questions
You must tag at least 4 people

1. Which book has been on your shelf the longest? Hmm... I'm not exactly sure, but the set of classic 19 Boxcar Children books that I've had for years would be among them. 

2. What is your current read, your last read, and the book you'll read next? I'm currently reading A Chance to Die by Elisabeth Elliot, and Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, my last read (besides the Bible) was Perelandra by C. S. Lewis, and my next read will most likely be King's Arrow by Douglas Bond. 

3. What book did everyone like but you hated? I'd have to say The Princess Bride by William Goldman. I haven't actually read the entire book, but enough of it to not really want to finish it. 

4. What book do you keep telling yourself you'll read but you probably won't? I'm not really sure....

5. What books are you saving for retirement? Probably certain "classics" like the complete works of Shakespeare, or maybe Les Miserables or something like that. xD

6. Last page: Read it first or wait until the end? Normally I'll never read the last page first, but occasionally I might skip forward if I'm just skimming a book or want to know the basics.

7. Acknowledgments: waste of paper and ink, or interesting aside? I love reading acknowledgements in books! They're a whole story in and of themselves. 

8. Which book character would you switch places with? I wouldn't switch characters with anyone for good, so I'll change this to what book character would you like to spend the day with? And of course, who could answer that? I suppose I would have to say Lucy from The Chronicles of Narnia. Because she's so sweet.... and then I'd probably see Aslan too. *smiles* 

9. Do you have a book that reminds of you something specific in your life? Yes, several. Either they were gifts for a special occasion, or it was a book that prompted a significant event in my life.  

10. Name an interesting book that you acquired in an interesting way. I'm not sure if it would be called interesting or not, but the only thing I can think of would be books I've won in a giveaway or as a prize for a contest. 

11. Have you ever given a book away for a special reason to a special person? I've given away quite a few books to people. I can recall once when I gave someone a book they really wanted to read and hadn't been able to find. 

12. Which book has been with you most places? My Bible. 

13. Any required reading in high school that wasn't so bad two years later? Certain classics that I read (or tried to read) one or two years ago and didn't really like, I've found that they're usually better now. 

14. Used or brand new? Both, actually. Brand-new books are really fun to get and usually I'd prefer to get a new book over a slightly used one. But there's just something about really old books that I love as well.

15. Have you ever read a Dan Brown book? No.

16. Have you ever seen a movie you liked more then the book? The Princess Bride. As I said above, I didn't really care for the book. The movie's not my top favorite, but I liked it better than the book.

17. Have you ever read a book that made you hungry (cookbooks included)? Oh, yes... cookbooks pretty much always do if they have good photos. 

18. Who is the person whose book advice you'll always take? I have a couple of close friends whose reading tastes are very similar to mine, and I'll always take their suggestions and advice about books. 

19. Is there a book out of your comfort zone (e.g outside your usual reading genre) that you ended up loving? Counted Worthy by Leah E. Good. It's a YA dystopian-sort of novel, and I normally don't read from that genre. However, Counted Worthy is outstanding: the writing, the message, the plot. If you haven't read it, you should. You can check it out on Goodreads here.

I tag ||  Anna Casady || Anika Joy || Sarah Keatts || + you. Be sure to let me know in the comments if you answer these questions- I'd love to read your answers!

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. // Romans 15:4 
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  1. Ahh, thanks for tagging me! I can't wait to get it uploaded!

    1. You're welcome! I thought you might enjoy doing this tag. xx

  2. I love this tag and super pretty pictures!

  3. THE BOXCAR CHILDREN. serious nostalgia over here.

    The Princess Bride wasn't the best book, in my opinion, but the movie is one of my favorites, GAH. Also people read the last page first WHAT. this is news to me. It seems like such an act of rebellion.

    ~ noor / bookmarkd

    1. Ah, yes. They were some of my favorites!

      I suppose some people like reading the last page first, but it doesn't make much sense, right? Thanks for reading, Noor!

  4. LOVE your Narnia photos, and what a great post--tags are fun reads. ☺ I might have to do this one!!

    1. Thank you! I had fun taking the photos. Feel free to do this tag- I would enjoy reading your answers!

  5. This was fun reading! Thanks for tagging me! I'm not sure yet if I'll do it or not though... but thanks!

    1. Thank you! And no pressure at all to do the tag. I don't do very many tags anymore either, so it's no problem if you don't.

  6. I enjoyed reading your answers, Emily!
    The Boxcar Children books are pretty fun. I read a lot of them when I was younger. My dad also used to read them aloud to my siblings and I when we were all younger. :)

    1. Thank you, Rebekah! The Boxcar Children books are lots of fun!

  7. What do you think of the "A Chance to Die"? I'm going through it too right now. I read "Amy of Dohnavur" by Frank Houghton first, so this seems to me like a more detailed version of the same thing, but I actually am enjoying it.

    1. I liked "A Chance to Die" a lot. Amy Carmichael is my favorite missionary, and I've read many biographies about her, but this one was unique in that it seemed more personal, as well as more detailed. Mrs. Elliot included lots of Amy Carmichael's own writings in the book which added a neat personal touch. It also had more details about areas of her life that other books usually don't mention. Anyway, I did enjoy it. :) I hope you like it also!


hi there, and thanks so much for leaving a comment! thoughts about what you read here make my day and I respond to each one. please keep your words kind and respectful to other readers and to our Lord- and thank you for taking the time to read. xx

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