what is this blog about?
random musings. the promises in the stars. scribblings from the journey. light in the darkness. words for Him.
Really, this little blog is just my way of sharing what I learn on life's journey with Him as my guide. So glad you're here, my lovely friend! xx

a redeemed sinner. a bibliophile. scribbler of words. a contemplator. saved by grace. a dreamer. narnian at heart. an introvert (infj).
Really, I'm just one of those people who prefers thinking and writing to talking, and want all my thoughts to come back to the reason I'm here- my great God. xx
hallelujah, by the grace of God above. hallelujah, I'll shine a light 'cause I am loved... this is all I know how to say...You're my everything. my everything // owl city