stories subpage

// Looking for the Light //
a true story

Started: July 2015
Finished: August 2015
Genre: Historical re-telling
Word count: 4501
Synopsis: Arulai is a young Indian girl who longs to know the truth about the many Hindu gods her family has worshiped for generations. She can't understand why her prayers to them are never answered until one day when a foreign ammal comes to her village. This ammal seems to have the answers, and tells Arulai about the One true Living God who does hear and answer her prayers. Despite the circumstances against her, Arulai sets out on the journey of a lifetime to learn about this Living God, and her life is forever changed.

// Count the Stars //

Started: March 3, 2017
Finished: March 3, 2017
Genre: Fiction
Word count: 1785
Synopsis: Amelia can't understand why certain things are happening to her, She feels like God has stepped out of her life, and she can't help but wonder if He even still cares. One special night, He proves to her that He indeed still does love and care for her- more than she ever could know.


At that moment, her gaze was transfixed. That little round opening in the in the trees above her revealed a sight that she had never seen before- a little round patch of pure beauty. It was the dark night sky, studded with the most clear, brilliant stars that you could imagine.


Count the stars. I will be with you. My love for you outnumbers the stars.

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