
Presenting Poetry, September Edition

 It's time again for a Presenting Poetry post! Hopefully you are still enjoying these. :) I've tried to pick a variety of topics for the poems, but sometimes they're rather similar. Anyway, this month's poem is called "Kind Thoughts".

Kind Thoughts

Kind thoughts are like seeds,
For out of them grow
Kind words and kind deeds;
But first you must sow
A kind thought so deep
In your mind and heart
That nothing can tear
Such a kind thought apart.
Each seed must be watered
Or else it will die,
And so must each kind thought
As each day goes by.
If you water each kind thought
With much love each day
Kind words and kind deeds
Will soon blossom your way. 
~Author Unknown 

I think this poem is a good reminder of the kind thoughts and deeds that we should be doing each and every day. It's great to have kind thoughts, but we need to actually do them! I do that a lot- I think of something that I could do to bless someone else, but then I don't actually go and do it. 
This poem reminded me that I need to be doing as well as thinking kind thoughts and deeds for others.
So the next tine you think of something kind you can do for someone else, do it!
Whether it's in the blogging world (such as leaving a comment on someone's blog) or in your home(like helping a younger sibling), let's be blessings to others. It can be a challenge at times, but it's worth it! And of course, we shouldn't do it to get things in return, but when we do do kind deeds, they always come back in some way or another! 

What are your thoughts about this poem? Have you ever head it before? 

Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!

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  1. Hey Emily! I love your poem! Featured Friday is up on the blog and I'd love it if you could link up! :)


    With love and all joy,
    Allie D.

    1. Thanks, Allie! I'm glad you liked reading the poem. I will definitely check out the link-up! :)

    2. Thank you so much for linking up! It means a ton to me! :)

      With love and all joy,
      Allie D.

    3. Thank YOU for having the link-up! I'll try to remember to link up more often. =)

  2. Poetry is one of my favorite forms of writing. ♥

    1. It's one of my favorites too. :) Thanks for reading!

  3. That is a beautiful poem! Poetry is also one of my favorites!


    1. Thank you, Hope! Poetry is really fun to read (and write, too!)

  4. That is another amazing poem!! I love the message and what you said about it. I think it's also so true that when you're thinking kind thoughts of people we don't really like it makes it a lot more easier to love them in deed. What do you think??

    1. Thanks, Hannah! I appreciate that.♥
      Wow, that definitely is so true! Thanks for pointing that out! If I hadn't had been in such a rush posting this, I probably would've added that. Thanks! :)

  5. This was so pretty, Emily! Thank you for posting it :).

    1. Thank you, Savannah! I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it. :)

  6. GAH THIS IS SUCH A LOVELY POEM. <3 And a lovely thought-provoking piece by you, Emily! I love it and I was just thinking about how leaving a comment on a blog to say something kind -- even if it's not a long comment -- can really brighten a blogger's day! I know that it always brightens my day. :D


    1. GAH thank you Abbiee! Yes, comments always brighten blogger's days- so thanks for leaving such a sweet one! <3


hi there, and thanks so much for leaving a comment! thoughts about what you read here make my day and I respond to each one. please keep your words kind and respectful to other readers and to our Lord- and thank you for taking the time to read. xx

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